Please Note: Online viewing and enrolment is now available for all 2025 Term 1 courses/activities using the button above or the Classes menu option.
Members should see their printed Course Book for tutor contact details. Non-members can contact the U3A office for tutor contact details.
Please note that some classes require you to contact the tutor prior to enrolling in them.


  • 2025 Memberships now open. Join as a new member or renew your existing membership by clicking/tapping on the appropriate green button on this page.
  • 23 New Courses/Activities being offered in Term 1 of 2025. Click/tap here for list of new courses/activities. For further information on these new classes, click/tap on the CLASSES option in the main menu or click/tap on the green button “View Available Courses/Activities”.
  • There is now a total of 142 Courses/Activities being offered in 2025 in a wide range of fields. To view and enrol in these classes, click/tap on the CLASSES option in the main menu or click/tap on the green button “View Available Courses/Activities”.
  • Late additions to Term 1 Classes: History of the 20th Century and Take Charge of Your Life (see details and enrol by viewing Available Courses).


U3A is the University of the Third Age, which is the age of active retirement, coming after the ages of youth and working life.

University is taken in its original meaning a “community of teachers and scholars” – there are no academic requirements for membership and no exams!

U3A is a worldwide organization for retired or semi-retired persons. U3A courses/activities cover interests such as Sport, Family History, Exercise, Philosophy, Photography, The Arts, Language, Technology, Lunch Groups, Travel, Dance, Geology, History, Health, Music, Craft and Writing. U3A requires no prior learning.

About Us

U3A in Toowoomba Inc. is one of many similar U3A organizations in Australia. Formed in 1990 we provide educational and leisure courses/activities to seniors.

We have over 2000 members and we offer 140 courses each week; all of these at a low cost.

U3A in Toowoomba Inc. is a member of the Association of International Universities of the Third Age (AIUTA), and a member of U3A Network Qld Inc. 

Management and tutors are volunteers.  

Many classes are held at 7 Matthews Street, Toowoomba. All Members are welcome to join classes in Toowoomba, Crows Nest and Pittsworth depending on vacancies.

We look forward to welcoming you to Toowoomba U3A

Our motto is


The office of U3A in Toowoomba Inc.
Located in the Philharmonic Performance Complex,
7 Matthews Street, Harristown.
PO Box, 404 Drayton North.  4350